A Helpful Reading Comprehension Resource

Therapies and Resources for Children with Autism & Families

We wanted to share highlights from a reading comprehension resource from Reading Rockets. If children do not have a strong background in several basic skills, they will not be able to achieve reading comprehension. The article details the following skills that should be worked on with children:

  • Decoding
    The ability for a child to read a word by translating letters into the sounds of spoken language
  • Vocabulary
    The words a child must understand to communicate, and read, effectively
  • World knowledge
    A child’s knowledge of the world that may influence their reading comprehension
  • Active comprehension strategies
    Helping a child think aloud and remain active as they read a text
  • Monitoring
    Teaching children to monitor their comprehension as they read and seek clarification through re-reading

As parents and family members help their child develop strong reading comprehension, practicing these skills will be essential. For more information, read the entire article at Reading Rockets.

The speech-language pathologists at Peak Potential Therapy can help your child become a better reader. Contact us to get started with a free Intake Session.