Academic Tutoring

Educational Services for Students with Special Needs

blocks-learnWe teach students according to their specific needs in an effort to help them achieve their highest academic potential. We work with students who need continual academic assistance as well as those who simply need an extra boost to earn a better grade.

All tutoring is conducted on a one-on-one or small group basis. Our tutors use the student’s curriculum as well as supplemental materials to build academic skills designed to last a lifetime. We customize each student’s tutoring to his or her individual needs enabling us to provide the most effective academic preparation for each student, no matter the learning style.

As part of our personalized approach, we oversee each student/tutor relationship from inception through conclusion. We select the most appropriate tutor and then track each student’s progress along the way.

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Fee Schedule & Insurance

A fee schedule and a list of health insurances accepted at Peak Potential Therapy can be found on our Policies page.

Grant Funding Sources

We understand that for many families, finding financial assistance and grant funding for therapy services can be a struggle. To help make it easier to access these resources, we’ve compiled an extensive list of grant sources. These sources can provide financial assistance with a variety of therapy services provided by Peak Potential Therapy.

We also accept the CareCredit healthcare credit card. CareCredit is a healthcare credit card designed exclusively for healthcare services with special financing options such as those offered by Peak Potential Therapy.

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